Information on Behçet syndrome!
Behcet Syndrome is a disease, inflammation of blood vessels. It creates problems in many parts of the body. Behçet syndrome is marked as a classic triad of recurring symptoms of the culture of mouth ulcers (aphthous ulcers), genital ulcers, inflammation and a section for the pupil of the eye (uvée) . Inflammation of the area of the eye around the pupil is uveitis. Behçet syndrome is also sometimes Behçet's Disease. Behçet's Disease (Behçet syndrome, Behçet's disease, Silk Road Medicare) is a chronic suffering because of a serious disturbance of the ability of their immune system. This system, which normally protects the body against infections by controlling inflammation, it is unpredictable and produces überaktiv hotbeds of excessive inflammation. This additional inflammation of blood vessels concerned, usually small. This leads to symptoms occur, where there is a patch by inflammation and can be everywhere where there is a blood supply. The cause of Behçet syndrome is unknown. The symptoms are recurrent ulcers in the mouth or genitals, skin lesions, arthritis, affects mainly the knees and ankles, pain and irritation in the eyes, and fever. The mouth and genital ulcers occur most often multiple and can be very painful. In the mouth, are ulcers, usually on the tongue, gums and inside lip or jaw. In the genitals, ulcers, usually occur in the penis and testicles in men and women of the vulva. The eye inflammation can cause blindness. The disease is generally aged between 20 and 30, while some patients were aged between 4 and as old as 70 Three cases of the disease Behçet have been described for mothers of newborns are born with the disease. The transmission of the disease from mother to newborn, by a specific antibody fetus by entering the placental barrier. The literature suggests that the clinical picture of Behçet syndrome in children differs from that of adults, it is a reduction of the incidence of eye diseases and some events seem to be more frequent. Behçet's Disease is two times more men than women. Most symptoms are painful, but not vital. They come and go in a series of attacks ( "flare-up") throughout the lifetime. The disease is not "burn itself, but sometimes it can remain the same and sudden outbreaks are less aggressive and less frequent. Most people with Behçet's disease have a normal life expectancy and can hope that lead Close-to-normal daily life. Behçet syndrome is characterized by recurrent aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers and uveitis or retinal vasculitis. Other symptoms of the disease are skin lesions, arthritis, gastrointestinal lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) participation, and vascular lesions, including thrombosis and aneurysms. In Behçet syndrome, damage to base is vasculitis. Biopsies have shown, vasculitis near lesions Behçet syndrome, including at the hearing and genital ulcers and damage to the central nervous system and eyes, large vessels are affected by a vasculitis of the Vasa vasorum. Vascular lesions that can be superimposed hypercoagulability observed in some patients. The treatment of Behçet's disease is symptomatic and empirical. Arthritis responds to pain and relaxation. Muqueuse can participate in topical corticosteroids in the form of paste or mouth water. The treatment of lesions of the central nervous system, usually provides a large dose of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants. Gastro-intestinal participation can be managed with sulfasalazine.